How does it work?
Employment Navigators provide workplace assistance that enables people to successfully obtain or retain employment in the open or supported labour market. This support can be supplied to any working age participant (including students reaching working age) with an employment goal. The steps to work include:
Step 1: The Job
Work out what tasks/jobs are needed to be completed by the Manager Employment – Employment Navigators.
Step 2: The Interview
Step 3: The Work Trial
Employment Navigators will arrange a work trial so the employer can assess the prospective employee and meet the support staff. This allows both the employer and the employee to see if the job is a good fit.
Step 4: The Support
Employment Navigators will ensure that the Worker is supported in the work place. This Worker is an employee of Employment Navigators and will strive to blend in to the work place. If the Employment Navigators support Worker is away, Employment Navigators will provide a backup Worker.
This Employment Navigator Support Worker will have met all of the NDIS compliance requirements including,
- Worker Screening (Police Check)
- Training
- Support and Supervision
- Current driver’s license
- Insurance coverage
The Support Worker will support the Worker with
- Supervision
- Verbal prompts
- Teaching the Worker new tasks
- Assisting the Worker to complete tasks
Step 5: The Employment
Employment Navigators will discuss the work trial with the Employer and if all are happy, will discuss employment. This will include ensuring the right employment options are investigated.
Step 6: The Employment Options
There are a few ways that an Employer can have work completed
Option 1 – Business Contract
This is where the Employer contracts the Worker. Employment Navigators assist Workers to set up their own business with an ABN and with insurance. This is a win win for all as the Employer saves money with no on costs and the Worker has their own business to take pride in. The Employer will be invoiced every two weeks for the hours that the Worker works.
Option 2 – Employment (Part Time)
This is where the Worker is employed by the business and the Employer has this Worker as a part of their payroll.
Option 3 – Employment on Supported Wages (Part Time)
This is where the Worker is employed by the business and the Employer has this Worker as a part of the payroll on a Supported Wage. This is where an Independent Assessor will determine the percentage of the job that the Worker can undertake and then the wage is set accordingly.
Step 7: The Promotions
Employment Navigators will promote Employers on our Website and will hold functions each year to include supportive Employers. If the job changes, the Support Worker will continue to ensure that the Worker learns the new tasks and continues to build their capacity.