Employment Navigators

Once referred to Employment Navigators we are able to organise support staff through GAP Support. With a range of employment options, we are able to provide ongoing support to enable people to work and earn an income based on their work choices.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment is for people with disability who want to work in a job, however will need ongoing support. Supported Employment provides people the opportunity to work in different workplaces by providing the following kinds of assistance:
Workplace assistance
We help people obtain or retain employment in the open or supported labour market
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Small Business/Self-Employment
We assist people to gain employment doing almost any job or task as their own business owner.
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School Leaver Employment Support
We assist young people find meaningful employment once they leave school
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Are you a Year 12 student or leaving school?
School leaver employment supports (SLES) are supports available to students in their final year and preparing to leave secondary school. These supports give you the skills and confidence to help you move from school to employment. We offer individualised supports for up to 2 years after finishing school to help you get ready for work and plan your pathway to employment.
Interested in SLES?
Tailored to meet your employment goals
Job skills training
Work experience in open employment
Travel training
Employment Navigators will assist people to find a job and work out what model of employment best suits them.
Interested in any of our services?
In Partnership With

GAP Support
1800 778 688
GAP Support is a registered NDIS provider that commenced over 3 years ago in to support people in the Perth metropolitan area. With friendly staff and a huge amount of experience we have been successful in providing support for people to access the community.
We realised that there is a big gap in WA for people to access the community through work. With few choices available for ongoing support in the work place and a lack of opportunities for people to gain jobs that they can do and will enjoy, we started Employment Navigators

WA Navigators
0405 857 1111
WA Navigators provides Support Coordination for people with a NDIS Plan. We provide quality friendly support by people who know the NDIS. We will keep in regular contact and will ensure that we provide you with the right navigation to getting quality community supports.

SIL Care
0466 762 866
Having managed care for the past 30 years and a family member requiring assistance in a Supported Independent Living home, we wanted to create an environment like no other. Seeing first hand the gaps in accessing suitable accommodation that catered for our families needs. Consulting with NDIS participants about what’s important to them to lead a purposeful and safe life in a supportive environment where choice is everything. The participant is at the centre of everything with decision making, choice and control, social activities and more. All the while having the support of dedicated staff 24/7 to work together with the person.
Our management team have a unique and diverse background to ensure the culture for both participants and staff is warm and welcoming, where we all work together. We all had a dream of creating homes where NDIS participants could live their best life and SIL Care was born.

Surgical House
+618 9381 4199
Surgical House is a family owned Australian business established in 1980 in Perth, Western Australia. We are a wholesale and retail supplier of healthcare consumables and equipment distributing Australia wide. Over past decades we have built our business on a reputation of excellent service, mutual trust and reliability.